cardiac rehabilitation singapore


Cardiac Rehabilitation Process

1. Evaluation of Condition: Your therapist will first perform an initial evaluation to analyse your physical abilities, medical limitations and other conditions you may have. Certain risk factors such as heart complications will be looked out for especially in cases where exercises are recommended.

2. Prescribing Treatment: After evaluation, your physiotherapist will recommend an individualised rehabilitation programme to meet your needs, while ensuring that it is safe and effective for you.

Ongoing evaluations can help us to keep track of your progress over time.


Chest Physiotherapy

Chest physiotherapy is a group of physical techniques that improve lung function and help you breathe better. Your doctor may recommend Chest Physiotherapy to help remove thick or excessive lung secretions and improve airway clearance from conditions such as:

Lung infections

Pneumonia, acute bronchitis, and lung abscess.


Lung removal and other surgeries that causes difficulty in breathing.


Low activity level due to being bedridden or in a wheelchair. Chest PT can help prevent pneumonia and other breathing problems due to long-term immobility.

Chest Physiotherapy can help to:

  • Facilitate removal of retained or profuse airway secretions.
  • Optimise lung compliance and prevent it from collapsing.
  • Decrease the work of breathing.
  • Optimize the ventilation-perfusion ratio/improve gas exchange

Our Treatment Process for Chest Physiotherapy

Postural Drainage

Percussion & Vibrations

Cough Assist


Facilitated Deep Breathing Exercises

Active Cycle of Breathing

Cancer Rehabilitation

Cancer and cancer treatments may cause issues such as fatigue, joint problems and weakness which can impede quality of day-to-day activities, and also affect the path to recovery. As cancer treatments often cause weakened muscles and a deficient immune system, they may not be able to return to the intensity of exercise or utilise regular gyms. Cancer rehabilitation addresses these problems at a pace that the patient is comfortable with so that patients can return to their roles as quickly and independently as possible, improving their quality of life.

How can Cancer Rehabilitation help?

1. Prevent unnecessary disability: Patients that undergo cancer treatments may live with long-term side effects of the disease and treatment that reduces their quality of life. Cancer Rehabilitation can help to minimise the risk of short and long-term side effects and prevent unnecessary disabilities.

2. Prevent further degeneration of health: Treatments and lack of physical activity often lead to the deconditioning of the body, which can prolong road to recovery. Physiotherapists may assist patients in overcoming the major physical and functional impairments sustained by cancer surgeries and therapies that serve as major hurdles to resuming physical exercise.

3. Support effective self-management strategies: Physiotherapists play an integral role in encouraging health-promoting behaviours such as exercise and maintaining a healthy weight –– offering guidance to their patients to take positive steps to recovery and for their future health.

Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiac rehabilitation is designed to help you improve your health and help you recover from a heart attack, other forms of heart disease or surgery to treat heart disease. This form of rehabilitation involves exercise training, emotional support and changes in lifestyle habits to reduce risk of heart diseases such as improving diet, maintaining a healthy weight and quitting smoking.

Alongside our trained professionals, cardiac rehabilitation can help you to regain strength, prevent further deterioration of your condition, reduce the risk of future heart problems and improve your overall quality of life.

Cardiac rehabilitation is an option for people with many forms of heart disease, mainly if your medical history includes:

  • Heart attack
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Heart failure
  • Peripheral artery disease
  • Chest pain (angina)
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Certain congenital heart diseases
  • Any form of heart surgery
  • Pulmonary hypertension

Injury Rehabilitation

Sporting Injury

Participating in competitive sports or recreational physical activities may result in a significant number of musculoskeletal injuries. After assessing the injury sustained, your physiotherapist will recommend a programme that includes personalised strengthening exercises, mobilising and pain relief techniques.

Common treatment areas:

  • Acute sports injuries
  • Strains
  • Sprains
  • Muscle, tendon and ligament repairs
  • Shoulder dislocation 
  • Hand injuries

The rehabilitation process aims to limit the extent of the injury and to reduce or reverse the impairment, such that the athlete can return to his or her activity. The ultimate goal of rehabilitation is to help the athlete return to pre-injury functional capacity, fitness and performance.

Our Treatment Process

Manual Therapy/Joint Manipulation

Neuromuscular Facilitation

TENS Electrical Stimulation

Strengthening & Stretching Exercises

Sports Movement Analysis & Training

Sports Specific Drills

Neurological Rehabilitation

Our programmes are targeted at helping patients whose motor, cognitive and/or perceptual functions are affected by neurological conditions such as stroke and Parkinson’s disease.

Our goal is to improve function, reduce symptoms and improve the well-being of the patient overall.

Neurological Rehabilitation for Stroke Patients

The aim of our interventions is to help patients return to their highest level of function and to regain their independence in daily activities –– physically, emotionally, and socially.

Our programmes begin with a thorough evaluation of the patient’s specific areas of limitation before prescribing a plan of care consistent with his/her abilities and goals.

Our Treatment Process

PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) Training

Functional Training


Exercise Therapy

Integration into the Community

Physical Activities

Mobility training
Motor-skill exercise
Range-of-motion therapy
Neuromuscular facilitation

Cognitive Activities

Cognitive Therapy
Communication Therapy
Psychological evaluation & treatment

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